Over the weekend, Dutch Pinball shared a post on social media that the Company is going to bring its The Big Lebowski pinball machines to the upcoming Chicago Pinball Expo. If you've never played one, I highly suggest that you get over there and try it out. It's one of my favorites.
Unfortunately, I'm hearing that other than maybe the cool new Art of Pinball sculpts for the game we won't be seeing any new products from Dutch at Expo, not even the official Big Lebowski topper as many had suspected would be shown off. Having said that, I'm also hearing that Dutch has some amazing things in the pipeline for 2024.
Less than two weeks from now Pinexpo 2023 will start in Chicago, https://pinballexpo.com
From DP will be present owner Barry Driessen and support Rens Hooijmaijers, aka rensh on pinside
So, fellow dudes and duderinos, come over, play some The Big Lebowski and meet us. We hope to see you all there !!

BTTF 2024