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Dutch Pinball Exclusive Shares Second Sneak Peek at Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

Last Monday, Dutch Pinball Exclusive (DPX) shared a sneak peek at a mini-screen on the playfield of its upcoming pinball machine Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on its Facebook page. Yesterday, DPX shared another small picture of the game with Kaneda's Pinball Podcast.

In this picture, we get to see some very impressive sculpts that include two lamps that are actually lit and a monster. Some are saying that the monster shown is the "Jabberwock" from the tale, but I don't personally know that to be the case because I am not getting any of this information firsthand. Whatever it is, the sculpt looks great and the lit eyes are cool.

As the head of DPX, Melvin Williams, mentioned in an interview back in June, the company will "Move Heaven and Earth" to try to have a prototype of the game at the upcoming Chicago Pinball Expo, which takes place October 15th through the 19th. At the time Melvin stated that production of the game will begin around November or December 2024.

New Interview with Dutch Pinball Exclusive's Melvin Williams About Upcoming Game "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" & Much More

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1 comentário

Walter Wood
Walter Wood
14 de ago.

this is what I'm thinking -->

left orbit leads to the queen spinner......which BTW will have multipliers on it (3x , 4x inserts)...

also a black-plaque looking thing that could open sesame for a ball lock/mode start? hmm...

then there's a arching left ramp similar to Cirqus Voltaire (plastic in lower left of pic)...

bottom right shows another ramp (maybe a side ramp?) prob 3 flipper game, upper right? who knows, only speculation at this point...

maybe a right orbit shot leads to that dude in the back with the red eyes, like right orbit leads to gumball in TZ? and he spins, like Transformers by Stern? there's stainless steel between his legs looks like a smooth ball guide heading…

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