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New Barrels of Fun Labyrinth Stream; New Scooby-Doo Code; Turner Update; Insider Connected App

Here's a few pinball-related odds and ends for everyone...

- There's two pinball streams that fans of the hobby will want to check out this week. Tomorrow, Thursday October 26th, Bug from Spooky Pinball is going to stream brand new Scooby-Doo code at 7:00 PM Central on his "Bug's Scream N' Stream" Twitch channel. The stream will have a number of giveaways and the always interesting Q&A session at the end.

- Tonight over on the Flip N Out YouTube channel, Joel Engelberth is going to stream Barrels of Fun's brand new Labyrinth pinball machine. I definitely want to see more of this awesome new game in action.

- Yesterday, Turner Pinball shared a post-Pinball Expo update on its first ever game Ninja Eclipse on its YouTube channel. For me, the most interesting part of the video was that it contained several segments of gameplay on the machine from Expo. I hadn't really seen it in action yet.

- Axios published an article yesterday titled "Inside Stern Pinball, one of the oldest makers of the game" that contained a couple of cool pictures from inside Stern's factory (see below).

- I know that we've been saying this for what seems like years now, but an actual app for Stern Pinball's Insider Connected program looks to be right around the corner. People who log into their Insider Connected accounts now are provided a link that says...

"DOWNLOAD Stern Pinball Insider Connected" the top of the screen. It doesn't seem like the app itself is available yet, but this likely means that it's close. Supposedly, it is now in the Beta testing stage.

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