In a recent clip of the famous History Channel television show Pawn Stars, the show's star Rick Harrison visits the iconic Free Gold Watch arcade in San Francisco, California where he buys some games from the arcade's owner Matt Henri.
I'm a huge fan of Free Gold Watch. My family had a chance to check it out on a trip to the West Coast back in 2019. If you're in the San Francisco area, it is a must visit!
During the episode, Rick also gets to meet Matt Sengbusch, the creator of the line of Small Change arcade machines that play OG games in miniature cabinets using their original board sets.
Below are links to an article about my Road Trip to Free Gold Watch a couple of years ago and the Pawn Stars episode.
2019 SUMMER ARCADE TOUR STOP 6: Free Gold Watch - San Francisco, California (July 2019)
Here's me at Free Gold Watch a couple of years ago
Here's my boys playing a couple of the aforementioned "Small Change" machines