On Friday Pedretti Gaming began promoting its new on-line store. There consumers can not only purchase the company's new Williams Fun House 2.0 Rudy’s Nightmare Pinball Kit, but also a shaker motor for the game and an entirely new line of shirts and hats featuring Rudy and other FunHouse 2.0 characters. The hats are currently in stock, but the shirts do not appear to be available yet. Perhaps the most interesting thing that's listed on the site is a Mystery Topper for the game. As cool as the new FunHouse kit is, I suspect that the new topper probably blows away existing FunHouse toppers.
I really hope that this kit sells well. There seems to be a decent level of excitement about it, so I'm optimistic. I heard somewhere that Pedretti plans to release a new 2.0 game kit every year for the next several years if it does. What game do you think will be next? Whirlwind is probably a good guess. As is Earthshaker. How about Diner, Taxi or Black Knight 2000? Those are all Williams pre-DMD, solid state games from the FunHouse era.

I'd pickup a BK2K kit if it were made!