A few days ago in a message up on Pinside, Scott Danesi - the designer for Spooky Pinball's fantastic Total Nuclear Antihalation (TNA) pinball machine stated that while he does not know the exact timetable for an announcement "Spooky will be re-running TNA again soon."
While I have not heard anything official on this subject, many believe that any second run of Total Nuclear Antihalation would include new 2.0 code, which Danesi is rumored to be working on. Further speculation says that any new 2.0 code would be compatible with the first run of the game.
If the company does another TNA run, it will be interesting to see what it prices the game at. The initial TNAs were $5,995, but the world has experienced a whole ton of inflation since then. I would expect to see a price increase.

One of the best games of the decade!