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Stern Pinball to Release JAWS Accessories Within the Next Week

I know, I know, we must be off to a slow need start to the week if I’m writing my third straight article about toppers. As is often the case though, an article about one thing brings forth more information on the same subject. So I’m back to talk about JAWS again.

I have it on very good authority that Stern Pinball is scheduled to reveal its official topper (singular) and other accessories for JAWS pinball within the next week. Yes, despite the mention of two node boards for it in the manual for the game there is only one topper for JAWS. It will have two different parts.

The JAWS topper will be much simpler than the Black Knight Sword of Rage and Foo Fighters toppers. Other official accessories for the game will be revealed at the same time as the topper.

It’s interesting that the JAWS topper has somehow passed the Venom topper in release order.

I’ve been absolutely swamped with work this week, but I promise to be on the lookout for non-topper-related news for everyone when I can lol.

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Elwin games sadly seem to always get the most basic toppers


I'm hoping the Jaws topper is not too simple. I'd like to see nice sculpts not already in the game (looking at you 2nd Godzilla with zip tie) and a great mode based light show.

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