"And by the way, these styles have nothing to do with pinball. This is stuff that I've actually worked on before. I know how people talk out there. I'm new to this but I'm learning. I know how people take stuff and run."
- Artist Randy Martinez at San Diego Comic Con 2022
For those of you who aren't familiar with Randy Martinez, he is the amazing artist who did the artwork for Stern Pinball's Mandalorian (which I own) and comic version of the Stern Star Wars pinball machines. I love his work. I was just looking at his website and drooling over some of his original fine art drawings of Mando. Those would look awesome hanging in my home arcade.
The excellent Twitch pinball and arcade streamer Michael "DRI374" Mattsson recently shared an interview that he did with Randy at the recent California Extreme gaming convention. The interview itself is great and definitely worth a watch. Randy comes across as a really cool guy. From the quote that I shared at the top of this post, you can see that he obviously knows that us pinball people grab ahold of every single nugget of information that we can find and completely over-analyze it LOL. That's exactly what I'm going to do here. Early on in the interview, Randy said the following:
"Hopefully by next year's Comic Con I will have some Masters of the Universe artwork. I'm really excited about that because besides Star Wars and basketball, Masters of the Universe is my thing."
There has been a rumor floating around out there that Stern Pinball is working on a Masters of the Universe pinball machine. So, let's add this smoke to the Stern He-Man Pinball fire :).
Here's links to the various sites that I mentioned in this post. I have also embedded the full Randy Martinez interview below. Last but not least, I'm playing around with the new (to me at least) Wix Poll functionality. Would you be interested in a Masters of the Universe Pinball Machine?
Randy Martinez Website:
https://www.randymartinez.art/ (I like the .art domain. Pretty cool.)
DRI374 Channels
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dri374
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DRI374
Would you be interested in a Masters of the Universe Pinball Machine?
Heck Yeah
No Way
