I'm trying something new this week, I created a compilation of all of the arcade and pinball industry news from my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/KnappArcade) into an article here. If people like it, I may make it a weekly feature. Let me know what you think and if you ever come across any interesting industry news shoot me a link at knapparcade@gmail.com!
1) Chicago Gaming Company recently shared an unpublished YouTube video of the mirrored backglass upgrade for its upcoming Cactus Canyon Remake pinball machine.
2) Dallas has an awesome-looking new arcade...

Free Play Arcade Finally Gets Its Dream Game Space on Denton's Square
3) A really interesting article about the underground world of importing Japanese arcade games to the United States…

The Gritty, Underground Network Bringing Japan’s Arcades to the US
4) Talk about bad luck...

Arcade Previously Attacked By Axe-Wielding Man Now Crashed Into By SUV
The stolen SUV crashed into the front of the Sea Cave arcade, reportedly sending one person to the hospital
5) Awesome! Delaware was in desperate need of a big pinball location…

Delaware Pinball Collective debuts this month
6) Pinball Brothers is saying that its first batch of the fancy Alien LV pinball machines will ship this month...

7) Oh man. I've been meaning to go to the High Score Pinball Arcade for a while now. It's basically the only large pinball location that's somewhat local that I hadn't been to yet. Long Island is just such a nightmare to drive to for me that I've been putting it off. I hope that they continue to have lots of pinball machines there when they reopen.

Bay Shore Mall Arcade Closes; Will Reopen As Video Game Store
Video Game Trading Post will open in the South Shore Mall in late February, with playable arcade games and video games for sale.
8) A cool new arcade opened in Wisconsin...

Watch now: Heavy metal guitarist brings back tokens, Space Invaders, Death Race and expands Madison-area arcade scene
9) Last but not least, a Pinball Machine Sighting!...in this Wall Street Journal article about a $35 Million Aspen, Colorado home. The pins pic is a little blurry because it wasn't the main focus of the article, but I sniffed them out.

Colorado Home Sells for $35.5 Million to Bob Bishop, Founder of Impala Asset Management
That's all for this week's arcade and pinball news. Again, if there's interest I'll make this a regular weekly feature. LMK what you think. And of course, if you want to support the self-proclaimed amazing content that you see here feel free to stop by the Knapp Arcade shop and pick up a t-shirt, hoodie, sticker or some other cool stuff. Thanks for reading!
