Back in the Spring of 2023, Raw Thrills / Play Mechanix and Chicago Gaming Company (CGC) revealed their Pulp Fiction pinball machine. After a myriad of delays, CGC began producing the "Special Edition" of the game in late '23.
Fast forward to today, the Fall of 2024, and there's tons of Pulp Fiction SEs on location and in customers' hands, yet still no official word from Chicago Gaming on the more expensive Limited Edition version of the game. I've reported both rumors and on direct statements from CGC to distributors here several times in the past about when the LEs are supposed to begin to shipping. Basically all of those expected ship dates have come and gone and there's still no Bad Mother Flippers.
So what happened? According to a post by Josh Sharpe over on Pinside, he was told that the tooled topper characters for the LE machines arrived from CGC's supplier and they were not the correct size. This is causing issues with how the characters mount in the spinning / dancing area of the topper.
He has estimated that Limited Edition Pulp Fiction games will begin shipping from the Chicago Gaming Company factory before the end of 2024. Personally, I've given up on trying to estimate a ship date for them lol. Whenever it happens, it happens. I just thought that people might be interested in hearing the supposed reason for the delay.
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They just posted to FB:
Pulp Fiction LEs are on the line!
We’re shipping our first batch internationally in November, and North American games will start shipping in December.
crazy idea, ship the topper later... I love their quality, but I will never pre-order from them.
Great to hear something. I’ve given up trying to plan for it here. Kinda got screwed on this since their earning potential will have taken a big hit by the time they finally arrive.
When I talked to the CGC team at Expo, I got the same story from two different people on two separate days but they said the LE machines going overseas (outside the US) will be built first, then the machines staying in the US.