Here's an unexpected piece of interesting news. I got an e-mail from Atari this afternoon announcing that they have launched a line of reproduction arcade PCBs. The first batch of boards are for the classic 80's games Major Havoc, Gravitar and Black Widow. Atari has partnered with "restoration and recreation specialists Retro Arcade" to build these boards. They are available for near immediate shipment on Atari's website for $245 each.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around what these actually are. According to the description, they "can be used to replace damaged original boards by using the original parts from these boards." I take it that means that the boards themselves are supposed to be functional, but they don't come populated with the necessary chips? Perhaps someone else can chime in here with a better explanation than I. They would at least make for pretty cool arcade decorations.
"At 11.5 x 20.75 inches, these boards are stunning wall pieces. These boards use the original bill of materials, follow the original schematics, and can be used to replace damaged original boards by using the original parts from these boards.
Done in a striking matte green with yellow silk, these boards are serial numbered with official Atari licensed stickers. "

"For the first time since 1983 new Atari Major Havoc PCBs are available! Pilot your Catastrofighter to save your people from the remnants of the evil Vaxxian home world."

"For the first time since 1982 new Atari Gravitar PCBs are available! Explore solar systems and destroy enemy bunkers."

"For the first time since 1983 new Atari Black Widow PCBs are available! Help Black Widow battle the attacking bugs and defend the web!

A populated board would surely quadruple or more the price, considering the parts and labor involved.
Yeah those boards are simply collectible items. But fully functionnal though so if you have an original damaged PCB, you can transfer all of the original parts onto these new PCBs (which requires lots of soldering job, time and patience 😂). It's a bit of a bummer that they haven't proposed already populated boards which would have interested much more people i guess.