Dutch Pinball has a number of its Big Lebowski pinball machines boxed up or ready to be boxed up and shipped out to customers this week or next depending upon the shipper's schedule. A number of other Lebowski machines are in various stages of production, but parts availability continues to slow the process significantly.
The following pictures are courtesy of the Pinside member "Rensh" who shared pics his recent visit to the Dutch Pinball facility in the Netherlands.
Typo: right out of the box.
I just spoke to Kevin from Pinball-ERS in Texas, he has 50 of his own personal pinball machines. I asked if he had a TBL and he said no because he was hired to do a unboxing and set up of a brand new unit and it had all kinds of issues. Roughy out of the box. Welds, switches and was a real project to get it up and running… has that been addressed and are they better now? I really want one but that has be pumping my brakes… what’s the word now? Darin Swift