Breaking news from Pedretti Gaming, maker of the FunHouse 2.0 Kit:
- Pedretti Gaming are excited to announce a sub-licensing agreement with Planetary Pinball for a several more “2.0” Titles
- Now that Rudy’s Nightmare™ is shipping we have started on our next 2.0 game kit based on....
- Game kit will be using FAST Retro Platform (System 11) which is now available for developers which will include “1.0” emulation
- We will be incorporating game controlled extensions that the platform now supports – lighting, shaker, mods, topper, etc
- We are going to have a lot of fun!"
Which game do you think will be next? Some people are poo pooing these 2.0 kits, but I think that they're awesome. Pinball is so limiting in terms of the huge amount of space that each machine takes up. Why wouldn't you want the ability to play more than one game on the same machine?

Grand Idea that seems to be working!!
That is good news.
They have a great product for sure.
Bring on Earthshaker, Whirlwind, Diner. Tons more I can think of too.