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Accessories for Stern Pinball's Stranger Things Are Now Back In Stock

Happy Friday everyone!

Whew, what a week. Not really in the world of pinball and arcade news, but more so on a personal level. I actually wrote that article about Multimorphic the other day from a hospital bed.

Earlier this week my heart went into aFib (actually Atrial flutter) and tachycardia for the first time in many years. I was hoping that it would go away, but it didn't so long story short I went to the Emergency Room where they eventually put me under and did a cardioversion procedure on me, which essentially amounts to putting defibrillator pads on my chest and shocking my heart back into rhythm. Lots of heart fun for someone who is still in his 40s lol.

So while I was trying to keep an eye on everything that happened in the hobby this week, needless to say I may have missed a thing or two. Having said all that, I'm back Baby lol.

I had been hearing rumblings that Stern Pinball's extremely sought-after UV kits for its Stranger Things pinball machines were back in stock at distributors. Sure enough, late yesterday Stern pinball confirmed this on its Facebook page. The UV Kit, Stranger Things topper and Stranger Things dice shooter rod are all back in production and headed out to distributors. If you have a Stranger Things and don't have the kit, what are you waiting for :) ?

Me before the procedure (I look a lot worse for wear after 😂):

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