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Atari Acquires the Rights to Intellivision

Good morning everyone. I finally made it to my hotel here in Chicago at around 1:00 AM local time last night. From Manhattan before breakfast to here late at night was one heck of a long day, but I made it and I even have my luggage so we’re all good.

Here’s something that’s retro gaming related that I found interesting, Atari has acquired the Intellivision brand and game library. Wow, Atari is really creating quite a stable of classic gaming IP. I love this move for them.

I was an Atari 2600 guy as a kid, so I didn’t have much exposure to Intellivision other than playing it at friends’ houses but a lot of people have fond memory of the console from their youth.

The Nintendo Life website has a quote from the head of Atari’s recently acquired Digital Eclipse's studio, Mike Mika saying that this acquisition, "ends the longest-running console war in history". Speaking of Digital Eclipse, they’re one of my favorite developers. They’ve been breathing new life into all sorts of classic games and preserving a ton of arcade history. You totally should check them out if you haven’t.

Fortunately for Atari, this deal has nothing to do with the oft-delayed, controversial Amico console. Atari is just getting the Intellivision brand and the rights to more than 200 games.

What video game console(s) did you have as a kid? Like I said, I was a 2600 and then eventually a Nintendo Entertainment System aka NES person.

We acquired the Intellivision brand and game library. 👏

"This was a very rare opportunity to unite former competitors and bring together fans of the golden age of gaming.” - Wade Rosen

The former Intellivision will rebrand and continue distribution of the Amico console.

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