This afternoon Stern Pinball’s Chief Creative Officer George Gomez and Insider Connected Technical Producer Taylor Bancroft were featured as guests on MarcoPinball’s fantastic PinTech LIVE Twitch / Facebook stream.
They talked quite a bit about Stern’s new Insider Connected system (I admit, I’m addicted to it) but first let’s discuss what was said about Stern’s upcoming game, James Bond. As has already been discussed, George Gomez designed the game from scratch after Steve Ritchie, who started the game, left for Jersey Jack Pinball.
George said that he designed the cornerstone versions of the game, the Pro, Premium & LE but that we should “stay tuned for a big surprise.” Hmmm, might this mean that there’s an even higher-end Kapow version of the game? Perhaps.
Another statement by George lends credence to the likely existence of a Super version of the game with more code and film assets: “Once you see all of the surprises…all of your favorite villains will be there.” Though I suppose that there’s an outside chance that it means that one movie’s assets come with the game and additional movies can be purchased as DLC. We’ll find out next week.
George specifically professed his love for the Goldfinger Bond film, so I’d be shocked if that movie wasn’t somehow in the game. And his favorite James Bond is Sean Connery, which supports the rumor that the new game will be based on Connery’s movies.
The original James Bond car, the Aston Martin DB5 is in the game…complete with an ejector seat mech.
At one point in the interview, George even picked up a mech from the new Bond game that was laying on his desk and showed it to the camera. I took a screenshot of it and shared it below, but I have absolutely no idea what it is LOL.
Now onto insider connected. Taylor and George stated that Quests with special badges are coming to the system.
Insider Connected will not be expanded to DMD-Era Stern pins. Doing so would involve selling too much hardware. Insider Connected is however going to be introduced for Stern’s Home Pin line of games.
These are a few notes that I took while watching it, but there was A LOT more to the interview. Definitely make sure to click on the link below and check it out in full:

The figure he showed was a scuba diver (from Thunderball, presumably).
I have a feeling they might try and surpass the awesomeness of Godzilla on this one. Hopefully it doesn’t have the empty feeling that Batman 66 has (Although cool, but not a purchase for me). any way you slice it, this sou exciting!