Here’s some good news for collectors of Bally Williams pinball machines. This afternoon, PinSound officially launched it’s own line of replacement CPU boards for Bally Williams games.
Here's a description of the product in the company's own words:
“The RocketCPU is a drop in replacement board for your original WPC CPU. Fully compatible with your Bally / Williams pinball machine. Exact same schematics as original, with some extra features: integrated No More Reset, CR2032 battery, remote battery holder, shrouded ribbon connectors, high accuracy clock and more.
Tired of untimely resets? No More Reset prevents any +5V issue that can affect your WPC pinball machine.
No need to buy the addon: it’s already integrated onto the RocketCPU!
- Easy configuration and installation
- Integrated No More Reset
- Smart self-diagnosis status LED
- 100% compliant with original CPU board
With the “Ready To Play” service, your RocketCPU will be fully equiped with all the required components. Installation steps: remove the original CPU, install the RocketCPU, turn on your machine!"
The new boards are compatible with the following Bally Williams WPC 89 pinball machines:
Black Rose, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Demolition Man, Doctor Who, Fish Tales, Funhouse, Gilligan’s Island, Harley-Davidson, Hurricane, Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure, Judge Dredd, Party Zone, Popeye Saves the Earth, Star Trek the Next Generation, Terminator 2, The Addams Family, The Getaway: High Speed II, The Machine: Bride of Pinbot, Twilight Zone and White Water.
Replacement boards for other Bally Williams WPC Security and WPC 95 pinball machines will be released in the near future. The new replacement boards can be purchased either with the game code included or one can transfer the chips their old board. The boards cost $179.95 without the code and $279.95 with the code. For a limited time PinSound is providing 10% off on orders of the new board (No they aren't paying me, but I wouldn't mind if they did lol). I just ordered a "Ready to Play" one for my Williams Demolition Man machine. I'll report back on what I think.
I did a review of the PinSound replacement board and speakers a couple of months ago. Here's a link to it if anyone's interested in checking that write-up out:
Here's a link to the product page: https://www.pinsound.org/rocket-launch/
Below is the launch video for the new product: