Here's a quick video walkthrough of the iconic Silverball Museum boardwalk arcade in Asbury Park, NJ. I was planning on heading down there with my youngest son tomorrow morning, but the forecast is for a Thunder Show Bomb Cyclone Blizzard or something like that so I took off and headed down there today instead. There's nothing better than going to a beach arcade during the winter, on a weekday right when it opens. You have all the games to yourself for a little while.
Here's a list of the current lineup at Silverball, courtesy of Pinball Map:
The Addams Family (Bally, 1992)
Aladdin's Castle (Bally, 1975)
Atlantis (EM) (Gottlieb, 1975)
Attack From Mars (Bally, 1995)
Banzai Run (Williams, 1988)
Beat Time (Williams, 1967)
Big Brave (Gottlieb, 1974)
Big Star (Williams, 1972)
Black Knight (Williams, 1980)
Cactus Canyon (Bally, 1998)
Canada Dry (Gottlieb, 1976)
Capt. Card (Gottlieb, 1974)
Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy (Bally, 1975)
Centaur (Bally, 1981)
Central Park (Gottlieb, 1966)
Challenger (Gottlieb, 1971)
Champ (Bally, 1973)
Charlie's Angels (Gottlieb, 1978)
Cirqus Voltaire (Bally, 1997)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Gottlieb, 1978)
Creature from the Black Lagoon (Bally, 1992)
Cyclone (Williams, 1988)
Dancing Lady (Gottlieb, 1966)
Demolition Man (Williams, 1994)
Dialed In! (Jersey Jack, 2017)
Diamond Jack (Gottlieb, 1967)
Dimension (Gottlieb, 1971)
Doctor Who (Bally, 1992)
Doodle Bug (Williams, 1971)
Eight Ball (Bally, 1977)
Eight Ball Deluxe (LE) (Bally, 1982)
El Dorado (Gottlieb, 1975)
Evel Knievel (Bally, 1977)
Eye of the Tiger (Gottlieb, 1978)
Fast Draw (Gottlieb, 1975)
Fathom (Bally, 1981)
Fire Queen (Gottlieb, 1977)
Fire! (Williams, 1987)
Fireball (Bally, 1971)
Flash (Williams, 1979)
Flipper Cowboy (Williams, 1962)
Full House (Williams, 1966)
Funhouse (Williams, 1990)
Gemini (Gottlieb, 1978)
Genie (Gottlieb, 1979)
The Getaway: High Speed II (Williams, 1992)
Golden Arrow (Gottlieb, 1977)
Gorgar (Williams, 1979)
Guns N' Roses (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2020)
Hawaiian Beauty (Gottlieb, 1954)
Hearts and Spades (Gottlieb, 1969)
Hit the Deck (Gottlieb, 1978)
The Hobbit (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2016)
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993)
Joker Poker (Gottlieb, 1978)
Jokerz (Williams, 1988)
Joust (Williams, 1983)
Jumping Jack (Gottlieb, 1973)
Junk Yard (Williams, 1996)
King Pin (Gottlieb, 1973)
Kings & Queens (Gottlieb, 1965)
Kiss (Bally, 1978)
Knock Out (Gottlieb, 1950)
Lariat (Gottlieb, 1969)
Lightning Ball (Gottlieb, 1959)
Lucky Hand (Gottlieb, 1971)
Magic Town (Williams, 1967)
Majorettes (Gottlieb, 1964)
Mata Hari (SS) (Bally, 1978)
Medieval Madness (Williams, 1997)
Medusa (Bally, 1981)
Melody (Gottlieb, 1967)
Miss-O (Williams, 1969)
NBA Fastbreak (Bally, 1997)
Neptune (Gottlieb, 1978)
New York (Gottlieb, 1976)
North Star (Gottlieb, 1964)
OXO (Williams, 1973)
PIN-BOT (Williams, 1986)
Pin-Up (Gottlieb, 1975)
Pirates of the Caribbean (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2018)
Playboy (Bally, 1978)
Pleasure Isle (Gottlieb, 1965)
Pool Sharks (Bally, 1990)
Pop-A-Card (Gottlieb, 1972)
Pro Pool (Gottlieb, 1973)
Red & Ted's Road Show (Williams, 1994)
Revenge from Mars (Bally, 1999)
Rock Star (Gottlieb, 1978)
Royal Flush (Gottlieb, 1976)
Safe Cracker (Bally, 1996)
Scared Stiff (Bally, 1996)
The Shadow (Bally, 1994)
Silverball Mania (Bally, 1978)
Skateball (Bally, 1980)
Slick Chick (Gottlieb, 1963)
Space Mission (Williams, 1976)
Spacelab (Williams, 1974)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (Williams, 1993)
Strikes and Spares (Bally, 1977)
Subway (Gottlieb, 1966)
Surf Side (Gottlieb, 1967)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Williams, 1991)
Theatre of Magic (Bally, 1995)
Top Card (Gottlieb, 1974)
Top Score (Gottlieb, 1975)
Tropic Isle (Gottlieb, 1962)
Twilight Zone (Bally, 1993)
Whirlwind (Williams, 1990)
White Water (Williams, 1993)
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (LE) (Jersey Jack, 2019)
Wing Ding (Williams, 1964)
The Wizard of Oz (Jersey Jack, 2013)
Wizard! (Bally, 1975)
World Cup Soccer (Bally, 1994)
World Fair (Gottlieb, 1964)
World Series (Gottlieb, 1972)
Xenon (Bally, 1979)
I plan on going through the pictures of the games ASAP and will share them soon. Enjoy and have a fantastic weekend!